Pomeranian Husky Pictures!

These little guys are cute overload so instead of a post, how about some cute pictures to make your day just that much brighter?

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What Are Pomsky Puppies?

So what is a Pomsky you may ask!

The last few years there has been a big trend in breeding different kind of dogs together. These have been called designer dogs and one of the newest ones on the market is called the pomsky which is a strange cross between a Siberian husky and a Pomeranian.

You have probably seen them, but Pomsky pictures have been sweeping across the internet like wildfire. This is because the pups are small, fluffy, and look like they would be great crossbreeds to have fun with. However, you need to know that they will not be small forever. In fact, they will only remain puppy size for a few months and for years down the road they will be a larger dog. Typically their size will be a smaller dog breed, but people do not know that they will not stay the size of a pomsky puppy more than a few months.


So where can I buy one?

Before you ask yourself where you can buy a pomsky, know that they have gotten very popular lately and because of this demand has skyrocketed making finding any kind of puppy for sale a real chore. Expect to pay a good amount such as 2 thousand dollars and above if you find a good breeder. There is a pomsky club that you can check out their website and try and get an idea if there are breeders close to you. If after all of that you decide you are in the market for one, I would urge you to check out this pomsky information to make sure you are ready for the chore and there is no surprise.

The Size Of A Pomsky

 If you have been looking around, you will see that some breeders online say that they can sell you a pomsky that will only weigh about five pounds when they are all grown up. Please please PLEASE avoid these breeders as they are trying to take your money! Fully grown, a pomeranian husky should weigh in around fifteen to twenty pounds. If you want a good estimate of how much the dog will weigh fully grown, take the weight of both parents, add them together and divide by 2.

Nature Of The Pomeranian Husky

 When you breed pomeranians together with huskies you can get a great cross. You will get the gentle and extremely energetic traits from the husky so they will always be ready to play! While on the other hand, the pomeranians love to learn and like to act proud. When they are combined, you can get a dog that learns fast, loves to run and play with you, but can also be calm and gentle. They typically do not bark much and will love any children in your household.

To leave you with your thoughts, I wanted to give you some adorable pictures to look at, so here they are =)


pomsky pup